
Terms of service WIFI4EU

General conditions of provision of the WiFi service

These General Conditions are intended to establish the terms and conditions governing the provision by the municipality, to the user, of the Internet access service using WiFi technology and the TCP / IP protocols. The Wifi4EU network is an open public network for Internet access.

  • The provision of the Service has as a requirement that the user's equipment is in perfect working order and is compatible with WiFi technology.
  • The use of the Service implies knowledge and acceptance of the general conditions for providing the WIFI4EU Service.
  • The user has the duty, when using the Service, to become aware of the applicable legal provisions, namely not to practice or encourage the practice of illegal or offensive acts of good customs.
  • The Municipality is not responsible for the content of the information or any data made available or received through the internet, nor for facts or circumstances that show the illegality of the same or for any other damage or loss resulting from access to this network or the unavailability of the same.